Development Tools

Check styles, scripts, and markdown for errors and fix automatically or manually. Run a server on your LAN. Use the CLI's.


See also: lint

Development server

Hyas makes the Hugo development webserver accessible by default at http://localhost:1313.


Update the start:lan command in ./package.json for --baseURL.

npm run start:lan

Netlify DEV

Hyas’ ./netlify.toml excerpt:

  framework = "#custom"
  command = "npm run start"
  targetPort = 1313
  port = 8888
  publish = "public"
  autoLaunch = false

See also the Netlify docs: What is Netlify Dev?

Build server

Update the build:lan command in ./package.json for --baseURL.

npm run build:lan

Hyas CLI

See also the Hyas docs:

GitHub CLI

See also the GitHub docs:

Netlify CLI

See also the Netlify docs:

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